♦ Easyboy (¥ 21188 NU) Star:Ultimate Created Topics: 2107 Replies: 39 |
Posted on: 04:20 Mon, 21 Jul 2014
This Post Was Copied Somewhere On the Net, and its Latest, thats to say it May work for you.
are You a Glo User? well You have won this Trick.
Follow below Proccess to Start Getting you free Megabyte
After you receive ur g-bam 5mb, browse the internet with it, connect with any browser/app on your device..
wait till it loads a page, now disconnect it and start dialing*100*0000000005*0000000001#or*100*5*1#, thats zero is 9.
The more you dial the code the more you get5MB.
The idea is to first browse with ur 5mb b4 dialing the code, and even if you dial the code when ur mb is almost used up: like remaining 5kb twill still work, just make sure you have some data before dialing .
You can dial the code before or after you browse with it, but twill only be effective ifyou dial after you've browsed with it.
EXTRA DETAILS:after dialing the code and you want to check how many 5MB u've accumulated..
it will only display the remnant of your 5mb, it wont show it, but till after you've browsed and/or downloaded more than 5
This Post Was Copied Somewhere On the Net, and its Latest, thats to say it May work for you.
are You a Glo User? well You have won this Trick.
Follow below Proccess to Start Getting you free Megabyte
After you receive ur g-bam 5mb, browse the internet with it, connect with any browser/app on your device..
wait till it loads a page, now disconnect it and start dialing*100*0000000005*0000000001#or*100*5*1#, thats zero is 9.
The more you dial the code the more you get5MB.
The idea is to first browse with ur 5mb b4 dialing the code, and even if you dial the code when ur mb is almost used up: like remaining 5kb twill still work, just make sure you have some data before dialing .
You can dial the code before or after you browse with it, but twill only be effective ifyou dial after you've browsed with it.
EXTRA DETAILS:after dialing the code and you want to check how many 5MB u've accumulated..
it will only display the remnant of your 5mb, it wont show it, but till after you've browsed and/or downloaded more than 5