♦ Kunlessi (¥ 23611 NU) Star:Ultimate Created Topics: 2325 Replies: 119 |
Posted on: 04:36 Sat, 13 Jun 2015
NOTE:This tutorian was researched by me its very simple but complicating all you have to do iz get a java phone of any kind ..make sure you use older version of 2go (i.e 2gov3.7 dat ads take place) just enter d 2go app b4 it shows logging,lauching 2go nd stuff like dat it will do sum ads i.e (STAR ADS) and below it will say click 5 to enter just click d 5..
Now dis were the cheat begins
wen you click 5 it will take you to a black page (in most case) now click menu nd click on url just enter the web you want to visit nd enter it nd start browsing
NOTE:- at dis time you are already online on 2go wen you wanna go back to 2go just click on 'exit' via menu nd you will find your self online Long ago
NOTE:in most cases depending on your network you can use this method to grab ur 2go sub nd use it to browse free..
Enjoy ..dnt 4get to drop ya comment!
NOTE:This tutorian was researched by me its very simple but complicating all you have to do iz get a java phone of any kind ..make sure you use older version of 2go (i.e 2gov3.7 dat ads take place) just enter d 2go app b4 it shows logging,lauching 2go nd stuff like dat it will do sum ads i.e (STAR ADS) and below it will say click 5 to enter just click d 5..
Now dis were the cheat begins
wen you click 5 it will take you to a black page (in most case) now click menu nd click on url just enter the web you want to visit nd enter it nd start browsing
NOTE:- at dis time you are already online on 2go wen you wanna go back to 2go just click on 'exit' via menu nd you will find your self online Long ago
NOTE:in most cases depending on your network you can use this method to grab ur 2go sub nd use it to browse free..
Enjoy ..dnt 4get to drop ya comment!