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Please Advice Me:- My Husband Faints Everytime We Have S*x Because Of Too Much ‘Sweetness’ – Wife Laments
Views: 913  |  Comments: 1 |  Posted: 07:36 Sat, 16 Apr 2016
Photo 9iceunity (¥ 16921 NU)
Star:Ultimate ult
Created Topics: 1684
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Posted on: 07:36 Sat, 16 Apr 2016

A woman whose husband faints
regularly at the apex of sexual
pleasure has cried out for help after
orthodox medical interventions have

A newlywed wife from Longisa in
Bomet County, Kenya has
approached village elders to help
her get a solution to her husband’s
rare condition which is threatening
their marriage.

The husband who is a teacher by
profession and only identified as
Kiprono reportedly faints each time
they make love.

Kiprono who before his marriage
was rumuored to be the only
known virgin in the area faints and
must be taken to hospital each time
they consummate their love.

The incident first happened on
their wedding night when the two
were making love. The wife said
that while doing it, her husband
said that her sweetness was killing
him and before she knew it, he had
fainted and was rushed to the

Various tests confirmed that he was
in perfect health and the incident
was dismissed with doctors saying
that it could have been as a result
of fatigue.

Just a day after, he fainted again
while enjoying the forbidden fruit
and now it raised eyebrows.

Kiprono’s mother accused the
young wife of being in a cult and to
prove that she is not, asked to be
present when they make love to
confirm for herself.

The woman is contemplating
visiting a witchdoctor for a solution
because she fears one day her
husband may collapse and never
wake up again.
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Photo katrinaxxx (¥ 15 NU)
Star: Novice
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Posted on: 07:36 Sat, 16 Apr 2016
definetly consult psychologist.


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