♦ cybergreeze (¥ 361 NU) Star:Ultimate Created Topics: 36 Replies: 0 |
Posted on: 02:43 Tue, 22 Apr 2014
Before i start, i
want greet the
site for the job
welldone, so lets
learn how to Hack
a wapka or any
Website with Basic
HTML Coding. If
you have the HTML
knowledge then
you can access
websites. So you
want to know
reading... Steps
Tips and Warnings
1 Open the site
you want to h*ck .
Provide wrong
combination in its
log in form. (e.g. :
Username : me and
Password: ' or 1=1
--)An error will
occur saying wrong
password. Now be
prepared your
experiment starts
from here. 2 Right
click anywhere on
that error page
=>> go to view
source . 3 There
you can see the
HTML coding with
JavaScript .â?¢
There you find
somewhat like
this....â?¢ Before
this login
information copy
the URL of the site
in which you are.
(e.g. :"< _
te.com/ login .......>")
4 Then delete the
JavaScript from
the above that
validates your
information in the
server .(Do this
very carefully, your
success to h*ck
the site depends
upon this i.e. how
efficiently you
delete the java
K****s that
validate your
information) 5
Then take a close
look for ""[without
quotes] -> replace
" â??there instead
of "" . See there if
maximum length
of password is
less than 11 then
increase it to 11
(e.g. : if then
write ) 6 Just go to
file => save as and
save it anywhere
in your hard disk
with ext top
web***y) 7
Reopen your target
web page by
double clicking
'chan top web***y'
file that you saved
in your hard disk
earlier.â?¢ You see
that some
changes in current
page as compared
to original One.
Don't worry. 8
Provide any
username [e .g.:
h*cker] and
password [e.g.:' or
1=1 --] You have
cracked the above
website and
entered into the
account of List
user saved in the
server's database.
Before i start, i
want greet the
site for the job
welldone, so lets
learn how to Hack
a wapka or any
Website with Basic
HTML Coding. If
you have the HTML
knowledge then
you can access
websites. So you
want to know
reading... Steps
Tips and Warnings
1 Open the site
you want to h*ck .
Provide wrong
combination in its
log in form. (e.g. :
Username : me and
Password: ' or 1=1
--)An error will
occur saying wrong
password. Now be
prepared your
experiment starts
from here. 2 Right
click anywhere on
that error page
=>> go to view
source . 3 There
you can see the
HTML coding with
JavaScript .â?¢
There you find
somewhat like
this....â?¢ Before
this login
information copy
the URL of the site
in which you are.
(e.g. :"< _
te.com/ login .......>")
4 Then delete the
JavaScript from
the above that
validates your
information in the
server .(Do this
very carefully, your
success to h*ck
the site depends
upon this i.e. how
efficiently you
delete the java
K****s that
validate your
information) 5
Then take a close
look for ""[without
quotes] -> replace
" â??there instead
of "" . See there if
maximum length
of password is
less than 11 then
increase it to 11
(e.g. : if then
write ) 6 Just go to
file => save as and
save it anywhere
in your hard disk
with ext top
web***y) 7
Reopen your target
web page by
double clicking
'chan top web***y'
file that you saved
in your hard disk
earlier.â?¢ You see
that some
changes in current
page as compared
to original One.
Don't worry. 8
Provide any
username [e .g.:
h*cker] and
password [e.g.:' or
1=1 --] You have
cracked the above
website and
entered into the
account of List
user saved in the
server's database.