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Can a Woman r*pe a Man? You Need to Read This
Views: 524  |  Comments: 0 |  Posted: 04:52 Fri, 22 Jan 2016
Photo 9iceunity (¥ 16921 NU)
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Created Topics: 1684
Replies: 27
Posted on: 04:52 Fri, 22 Jan 2016

R*pe is a criminal offense that has been
tagged around the male folks from inception,
but overtime, there has been a few cases of
women being guilty of the crime.

Whenever r*pe is mentioned, the picture that
comes to mind is that of a man having s*xual
intercourse with a woman without her
consent. That is why laws and policies often
seek to protect women against men.

For example, section 258 of the Criminal Law
of Lagos State 2011 states that any man who
has unlawful $exual intercourse with a woman
or girl without her consent is guilty of an
offence called r*pe and is liable to
imprisonment for life.

This section makes it clear that it is only men
and not women that can commit “the offence
called r*pe”. On other hand, Section 259 of
the same law defines $exual assault by
penetration using the words “any person” who
penetrates $exually any opening in the body
of another person with apart of his body or
anything else without consent is guilty of a
felony and liable to life imprisonment.

This is what the law says. Practically, can a
woman physically overpower a man and
$exually assault him by penetrating an
opening in his body? Can a female force a
male to have $exual intercourse with her?
Health related treatment
Sometime last year three Zimbabwean
women were charged with raping about 17
men at gun point. They were accused of
using drugs and keeping the men’s sperm in
condoms for health related treatment.
Similarly in Mexico, a woman was said to
have tied up a burglar and kept him as a s*x
slave for 3 days.

While more women report cases of r*pe and
s*xual assault, it is not uncommon to hear
stories of young boys who were seduced by
their older female domestic servants.
In this case, it is called statutory r*pe and is
recognized under the law as a crime.

However, older female bosses are also
blackmailing younger male employees into
having a $exual relationship with them. Some
of these women drug these younger male
employees and force them to have $exual

A man r*ped by a fellow man finds it difficult
to tell the story. Just as female survivor of
r*pe is stigmatized by the society, a male
survivor who was r*ped by another male is
also stigmatized.

Can a woman r*pe a man? If yes, will he be
able to talk about it? Can a man be aroused
against his will? Can his arousal be
interpreted as consent?

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