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Young Jonn Ft. Tiwa Savage x Joeboy – "Let Them Know"

  • Name: Young Jonn Ft. Tiwa Savage x Joeboy – "Let Them Know"
  • Uploaded on: Wed, 22 Apr 2020
  • By: Kunlessi
  • Music Comment: We4We Entertainment talented Nigerian producer, Young Jonn releases a new song titled “Let Them Know” alongside Joeboy and Tiwa Savage. This is another self-produced banger by Young Jonn after delivering perfectly on “Ello Baby” with Tiwa Savage and Kizz Daniel. The type of synergy between Tiwa Savage and the Empawa superboy, Joeboy was top notch Listen below:-
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  • Total views: 6904768
  • Total Downloads: 470

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