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Khalid & Disclosure – “Know Your Worth (Remix)” ft. Davido, Tems

  • Name: Khalid & Disclosure – “Know Your Worth (Remix)” ft. Davido, Tems
  • Uploaded on: Thu, 23 Apr 2020
  • By: Kunlessi
  • Music Comment: As promised American singer Khalid releases the Remix for his latest single “Know Your Worth” which features Nigerian pop star, Davido and fast rising female powerful Alte singer, Tems. Khalid taps into the Afrobeat genre, The youngest artiste to have surpass 15 Billion streams on Spotify under RCA Records linked up with our Afro-pop sound by joining force with Davido who dished out his Baddest vibe and Tems who blended well vocally with thegr8khalid. “Know Your Worth Remix” The song which talks about finding and staying with the right person that loves you and makes you a Real Deal! is a complete vibe with this new sound… Listen!!!
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  • Total views: 6783033
  • Total Downloads: 484

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